Geopier® Rammed Aggregate Pier SYSTEM

Cost- and time-saving alternative to deep foundation that improves load-bearing capacity and reduces overall settlement of in-situ soils.

Completed Projects Nationwide

Years of Experience

15 + 11 =

Fast, adaptable, and economically viable solutions for tough ground conditions.

Completed Projects Nationwide

Rapid Installation

The Geopier® system is known for its relatively quick installation process. This minimizes construction delays and speeds up project timelines without compromising quality.

Versatile Application 

The Geopier® system is versatile and adaptable to a variety of soil conditions, including those with low bearing capacity, high compressibility, or variable composition. It is suitable for a wide range of construction projects, from residential buildings to industrial facilities.


The materials and installation procedure of our technology directly translates into savings compared to traditional deep pile foundations. The value-added aspect is clearly seen in the performance of the Geopiers, which are able to control overall settlement and attain the required bearing capacities at a
fraction of the costs to traditional options.

Other Ground Improvement Solutions

Design and Build Services

Ceteau® Prefabricated Vertical Drains

Artificially created drainage paths which are installed to accomplish the following objectives: (1) to accelerate the consolidation process by facilitating the rapid drainage of water in saturated compressible soils, and (2) to expedite
strength to improve the stability of embankments built on weak clay subsoil.

JSP Jet Grouting System

A highly specialized and developed procedure that has been widely used due to its rapid and easy-installation process, load carrying capability, and applicability to a diverge range of soil conditions.